Klik på en profil herunder, og find en egnet kandidat. Du kan anmode om kontaktoplysninger direkte på den enkelte profilside.
Browse through the profiles below, and find a suitable candidate. Once you’ve found an interesting candidate, you can apply for access to the contact-information of the candidate on their profile-page.
“AB-Farm – Power of attorney each applicant – signed for each profile – FULDMAGT – yes, of course”
Dairyfarm / Kvæg, Pigsfarm / Grise, Poultry / Fjerkræ, Argiculture - Horticulture / Planteavl - Gartner, Other subjectgroups / Andre faggrupperLæs mere -
a – Pris 2025 – GRATIS jobformidling for arbejdsgiver – men SIRI koster 4210 kr
Horticulture / gartner, Dairyfarm / Kvæg, Pigsfarm / Grise, Poultry / Fjerkræ, Argiculture - Horticulture / Planteavl - Gartner, Other subjectgroups / Andre faggrupperLæs mere