Trieu P. – couple with Thi T.A. – Vietnam – praktik dairy-/ pigs-/ or poultryfarm – se video –
- Type: Interns/praktikanter
- Fødselsdato: 07/01/2000
- Køn/gender: Male
- Couple Mr TRIEU Pand Ms. TO THI
- Animal Anatomy and Physiology: Proficiency in understanding the anatomical structures and physiological functions of various animal species.
- Disease Diagnosis and Management: Ability to diagnose illnesses and injuries in animals through clinical examinations, laboratory tests, and imaging techniques, and develop comprehensive treatment plans.
- Pharmacology: Understanding of veterinary pharmaceuticals, including their indications, contraindications, dosages, and routes of administration.
- Preventive Medicine: Implementation of preventive healthcare measures such as vaccination programs, parasite control, and health screenings to maintain animal health.
- Animal Behavior and Welfare: Understanding of animal behavior, welfare needs, and the ability to recognize signs of distress or behavioral issues in animals.
- Teamwork and Collaboration: Ability to work collaboratively with veterinary colleagues, technicians, and support staff to deliver comprehensive care for animals.
Professionel/educational priority
- Dairyfarm prioritet: 1
- Pigfarm prioritet: 1
Oplever du fejl på denne profil/are you experiencing problems with this profile? Then please contact us on – Phone: 0045 97887100 – Mobile phone: 0045 40288060
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