Charles – Ghana – se video

My name is Charles, and I am 25 years old from  Region of Ghana.

I have developed a deep passion for the poultry industry, where I contribute significantly to the success of our family-run poultry farm. My responsibilities include cleaning and maintaining the poultry shelters, feeding the birds, ensuring their health and welfare, and managing egg collection and storage. My dedication has helped improve the productivity and efficiency of our farm operations.

I am a graduate of  High School. With my ability to work hard, multi-task, and operate effectively under minimal supervision, I am eager to travel to Denmark to enhance the skills I have gained through experience and hands-on practice.

Professionel/educational priority

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Sådan fungerer det

Hos hjælper vi hvert år studerende og landbrug med at få kontakt til hinanden. De studerende har typisk et stort ønske om at finde en god praktikplads, og landbrugene kan dele ud af deres viden, og får effektive og arbejdsvillige hænder i produktionen.

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