Brian K. – Uganda – Praktik pigs-/ or poultryfarm…. GRATIS formidl.
- Type: Interns/praktikanter
- Køn/gender: Male
Relevant information could be:
I am Kamanzi Brian a Ugandan by birth ,aged 25 years a student at Kabale University pursuing a Bachelor in Agribusiness Management
I am the fourth born in a family of six siblings’ two boys and four girls, our family is blessed with five
grandchildren of which all are boys. We are also blessed with hills and mountains that is Mt. Muhavra and Mgahinga Mountain in our community and also fertile soils which support agriculture especially Irish
potatoes growing which is the biggest source of income and to a small extent in piggery farming.
We have 50 pigs and 5 goats. The Irish we grow provides food for the family and surplus income after
selling them.
-I did my interships where i acquired some skills in the agricultural sector which include;
; Shozi Mixed Farm Kisoro
Kampala Uganda
5 th june-8 th Aug
Caring of livestock,
pest and disease control,
farm maintenance
assisting with special project in a farm
1.Gathering eggs
2.Setting eggs
3.Feeding birds
4.Removing dead birds
5. Monitoring the condition in the poultry house like temperature.
Professionel/educational priority
- Dairyfarm prioritet: 5
- Pigfarm prioritet: 1
- Fieldcare prioritet: 2
- Gardener prioritet: 2
- Horticulture prioritet: 2
Oplever du fejl på denne profil/are you experiencing problems with this profile? Then please contact us on – Phone: 0045 97887100 – Mobile phone: 0045 40288060
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Hos hjælper vi hvert år studerende og landbrug med at få kontakt til hinanden. De studerende har typisk et stort ønske om at finde en god praktikplads, og landbrugene kan dele ud af deres viden, og får effektive og arbejdsvillige hænder i produktionen.